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  • Jens Korinth's avatar
    Support for manual AXI-mapping, postBuildOps fix · ad1c4c32
    Jens Korinth authored
    * postBuildActions can no longer use the Module instance directly, since
      Chisel3 prohibits its instantiation outside of a Driver
    * added a configuration object of type Any instead, which will be passed
      to the postBuildActions - we do not actually need the Module instance,
      only the configuration options passed to it
    * Chisel3 no longer supports renaming of top-level ports (setName has
      vanished); auto-inference of the AXI-interfaces is not possible
      without renaming
    * fixed by adding interface definitions to CoreDefinition:
    * each module may declare "known" interfaces; in this case the IP-XACT
      Tcl will match to the generated port names manually